2019.09.30 13:12【報道】ねとらぼ 2019/9/30 花札を立体化したフィギュアが発売 / [NEWS] Netolabo Spt. 30, 2019 3 Dimensional Hanafuda
2019.09.26 13:16【ニュース】立体花札がガチャ化されて2020年1月発売予定 / [NEWS] 3D Hanafuda to be sold as a Gacha toy in January 20202019年9月26日に造形師 寺嶋潤にの作品である立体花札を原型としたガチャがトイズキャビン社によって量産、2020年1月にて全国各所にて発売予定である旨を発表しました。
2019.09.26 01:34【造形】豆地面「四○式 LED」/ [Crafts] Tiny Ground "Type 40 LED"Made of resin, wood with handmade LED lighting unrt, painted with Vallejo and Citadel colors, September 26th, 2019
2019.06.14 07:28【造形】てのひら堰堤 「宮ヶ瀬ダム」/ [Crafts] Palm-sized Dam "Miyagase Dam"Made of resin, painted with Vallejo and Citadel colors, June 14th, 2019
2019.04.17 14:55【造形】立体花札 「牡丹と蝶」/ [Crafts] 3D Hanafuda "Peony and Butterflies"Made of resin, plastic and wood, painted with Vallejo and Citadel colors, April 17th, 2019
2019.04.17 14:53【造形】立体花札 「紅葉と鹿」/ [Crafts] 3D Hanafuda "Maple and Deer"Made of resin, plastic and wood, painted with Vallejo and Citadel colors, April 17th, 2019
2019.04.17 14:50【造形】立体花札 「萩と猪」/ [Crafts] 3D Hanafuda "Bush Clover and Boar"Made of resin, plastic and wood, painted with Vallejo and Citadel colors, April 17th, 2019
2019.04.17 14:47【造形】立体花札 「菊と盃」/ [Crafts] 3D Hanafuda "Chrysanthemum and Chalice"Made of resin, plastic and wood, painted with Vallejo and Citadel colors, April 17th, 2019
2019.04.17 14:42【造形】立体花札 「桜と陣幕」/ [Crafts] 3D Hanafuda "Cherry Blossoms and Tarp"Made of resin, plastic and wood, painted with Vallejo and Citadel colors, April 17th, 2019
2019.03.31 06:53【進捗】立体花札 「桜と陣幕」/ [Progress] 3D Hanafuda "Cherry Blossoms and Partition"塗装見本が完成しました。花弁の色が濃すぎたので、塗り直しを実施。陣幕自体は綺麗に発色しましたが、黄色の部分は多少明るめの方が良いかも知れません。んんん、修正しますか。Finished my painted sample. Repainted the flowers because it was not light enough. The ...